Name | Level | KD | CS | Cost | Items | APM | Left |
Sentinel: |
AVlCll | 18 | 2/15 | 96/1 | 9083 | Eul's Scepter of Divinity, Kelen's Dagger, Arcane Boots, Empty Bottle, Null Talisman, Observer Wards | 94 | 51:59 |
Top: |
NaVi.818 | 18 | 11/16 | 110/5 | 11826 | Vanguard, Blade Mail, Phase Boots, Point Booster, Ogre Axe, Blade of Alacrity | 155 | 52:03 |
Mid: |
GGnet.Pajkatt | 24 | 16/11 | 150/16 | 17651 | Diffusal Blade 2, Black King Bar, Force Staff, Helm of the Dominator, Phase Boots, Empty Bottle | 102 | 56:17 |
Bot: |
Tompisch | 16 | 3/14 | 50/2 | 6146 | Power Treads, Flying Courier, Observer Wards, Observer Wards, Magic Stick, Observer Wards | 73 | 51:56 |
[Pinoy-_^] | 21 | 10/16 | 209/25 | 18161 | Sange and Yasha, Vanguard, Blade Mail, Hood of Defiance, Mithril Hammer, Power Treads | 127 | 56:17 |
Scourge: |
Little94Brother | 24 | 12/9 | 159/2 | 19131 | Black King Bar, Eul's Scepter of Divinity, Force Staff, Kelen's Dagger, Ghost Scepter, Phase Boots | 98 | 54:27 |
sTurtle.152 | 24 | 14/10 | 137/11 | 25179 | Divine Rapier, Sange and Yasha, Black King Bar, Helm of the Dominator, Power Treads, Wraith Band | 124 | 56:17 |
Top: |
FCSB | 24 | 16/9 | 92/15 | 19228 | Aghanim's Scepter, Boots of Travel, Vanguard, Blade Mail, Arcane Boots, Ring of Regeneration | 128 | 56:17 |
Geh.aB.CooKie! | 21 | 4/8 | 43/8 | 12805 | Shiva's Guard, Force Staff, Arcane Boots, Magic Stick, Observer Wards, Observer Wards | 158 | 56:17 |
Mid: |
Tarfele.e.Goale | 24 | 24/9 | 216/3 | 27708 | Guinsoo's Scythe of Vyse, Bloodstone, Shiva's Guard, Black King Bar, Kelen's Dagger, Arcane Boots | 158 | End |
Bot: |