Name | Level | KD | CS | Cost | Items | APM | Left |
Sentinel: |
Top: |
MYM.Razer.Missy | 23 | 10/6 | 233/8 | 20563 | The Butterfly, Manta Style, Diffusal Blade 1, Power Treads, Ring of Basilius, Wraith Band | 112 | End |
Mid: |
MYM.Razer.DeMoN | 18 | 6/7 | 52/7 | 8868 | Ancient Janggo of Endurance, Power Treads, Chainmail, Null Talisman, Gloves of Haste, Magic Stick | 136 | End |
MYM.Razer.Pstr | 13 | 3/13 | 15/2 | 6547 | Power Treads, Planeswalker's Cloak, Flying Courier, Observer Wards, Observer Wards, Sentry Wards | 133 | End |
Bot: |
MYM.Razer.KingA | 22 | 16/3 | 295/11 | 22183 | Radiance, Manta Style, Diffusal Blade 1, Vanguard, Phase Boots, Quelling Blade | 143 | End |
MYM.Razer.MaNia | 16 | 4/5 | 80/1 | 10972 | Force Staff, Power Treads, Mekansm, Nathrezim Buckler, Gem of True Sight, Planeswalker's Cloak | 128 | End |
Scourge: |
Top: |
MR_Potato.Head | 12 | 1/14 | 38/0 | 6644 | Power Treads, Magic Wand, Observer Wards, Flying Courier, Observer Wards, Observer Wards | 112 | 48:47 |
COMPETO.neNo- | 14 | 8/6 | 31/3 | 8883 | Mekansm, Power Treads, Medallion of Courage, Planeswalker's Cloak, Magic Stick, Sentry Wards | 157 | 48:31 |
TeG-S0ny4ce | 17 | 5/7 | 179/13 | 14762 | Aghanim's Scepter, Vanguard, Yasha, Hood of Defiance, Phase Boots, Ring of Basilius | 163 | 48:34 |
Mid: |
BabyKnight13 | 21 | 18/5 | 150/10 | 19300 | Guinsoo's Scythe of Vyse, Linken's Sphere, Aghanim's Scepter, Power Treads, Empty Bottle, Null Talisman | 133 | 48:32 |
Bot: |
SANYA_BANDIT | 16 | 2/8 | 107/0 | 10500 | Khadgar's Pipe of Insight, Vanguard, Plate Mail, Soul Ring, Magic Stick, Dust of Appearance | 149 | 48:29 |