Name | Level | Cost | Items | APM | Left |
Sentinel: |
e^G|Sweet | 8 | 2783 | Boots of Speed, Belt of Giant Strength, Observer Wards, Observer Wards, Magic Stick, Sentry Wards | 136 | End |
TemkaVANGUARD! | 8 | 4064 | Power Treads, Magic Wand, Gloves of Haste, Observer Wards, Flying Courier, Gauntlets of Strength | 165 | 26:16 |
Top: |
Mid: |
plzgogame^_^ | 11 | 5868 | Kelen's Dagger, Arcane Boots, Ogre Axe, Magic Stick, Scroll of Town Portal, Scroll of Town Portal | 125 | 26:17 |
TR^BeaSt | 11 | 5283 | Ultimate Orb, Power Treads, Empty Bottle, Magic Stick, Magic Wand, Scroll of Town Portal | 245 | End |
Bot: |
TR_36484 | 12 | 5472 | Power Treads, Ogre Axe, Poor Man's Shield, Magic Wand, Ring of Basilius, Planeswalker's Cloak | 112 | 26:11 |
Scourge: |
NaVi.555 | 11 | 5579 | Kelen's Dagger, Arcane Boots, Magic Wand, Animal Courier, Scroll of Town Portal, Scroll of Town Portal | 121 | End |
Top: |
NaVi.818 | 11 | 4926 | Power Treads, Planeswalker's Cloak, Flying Courier, Observer Wards, Magic Stick, Observer Wards | 131 | End |
NaVi.Ar7Style | 15 | 6680 | Mekansm, Power Treads, Ogre Axe, Magic Wand, Ring of Basilius, Scroll of Town Portal | 118 | 26:21 |
Mid: |
NaVi.333 | 14 | 7608 | Vanguard, Kelen's Dagger, Power Treads, Urn of Shadows, Magic Stick, Magic Wand | 128 | End |
Bot: |
NaVi.397 | 13 | 6874 | Kelen's Dagger, Ultimate Orb, Empty Bottle, Magic Wand, Boots of Speed, Mantle of Intelligence | 220 | 26:22 |