Name | Level | Cost | Items | APM | Left |
Sentinel: |
DTS^NS | 12 | 7233 | Ghost Scepter, Power Treads, Bracer, Bracer, Magic Stick, Observer Wards | 98 | 26:31 |
DTS.AA.4 | 12 | 9253 | Lothar's Edge, Power Treads, Headdress of Rejuvenation, Bracer, Planeswalker's Cloak, Observer Wards | 89 | 26:30 |
Top: |
DTS.G | 13 | 11672 | Ethereal Blade, Yasha, Power Treads, Wraith Band, Magic Stick, Magic Wand | 112 | 27:15 |
Mid: |
DTS)Light | 14 | 9584 | Linken's Sphere, Power Treads, Magic Wand, Null Talisman, Scroll of Town Portal, Scroll of Town Portal | 123 | 26:48 |
Bot: |
DTS|Dread | 13 | 10523 | Khadgar's Pipe of Insight, Mekansm, Power Treads, Ring of Basilius, Magic Stick, Nathrezim Buckler | 157 | 26:33 |
Scourge: |
NE.PENTIA.OJJE | 7 | 2699 | Boots of Speed, Belt of Giant Strength, Observer Wards, Flying Courier, Observer Wards, Sentry Wards | 72 | 26:30 |
Top: |
NE.PENTIA.BLSM | 12 | 6308 | Vanguard, Power Treads, Urn of Shadows, Orb of Venom, Magic Stick, Magic Wand | 120 | 26:33 |
NE.PENTIA.Hbot | 8 | 2970 | Magic Wand, Boots of Speed, Gloves of Haste, Observer Wards, Observer Wards, Sentry Wards | 133 | 26:27 |
Mid: |
NE.PENTIA.Calc | 12 | 6636 | Vanguard, Power Treads, Empty Bottle, Magic Wand, Planeswalker's Cloak, Gauntlets of Strength | 100 | 26:38 |
Bot: |
NE.PENTIA.LINK | 11 | 5874 | Ultimate Orb, Power Treads, Magic Wand, Mantle of Intelligence, Mantle of Intelligence, Scroll of Town Portal | 75 | 26:34 |