Name | Level | KD | CS | Cost | Items | APM | Left |
Sentinel: |
KW.Buktop | 15 | 8/5 | 15/1 | 8696 | Power Treads, Point Booster, Ogre Axe, Urn of Shadows, Observer Wards, Flying Courier | 107 | End |
BAJA- | 14 | 3/2 | 14/0 | 7470 | Kelen's Dagger, Arcane Boots, Point Booster, Magic Stick, Observer Wards, Animal Courier | 80 | End |
Top: |
CoolStoryBroLOL | 18 | 10/6 | 91/4 | 11216 | Black King Bar, Vladmir's Offering, Power Treads, Soul Ring, Magic Stick, Scroll of Town Portal | 141 | End |
Mid: |
uM.2009 | 18 | 10/1 | 123/11 | 13789 | Black King Bar, Boots of Travel, Ultimate Orb, Empty Bottle, Magic Wand, Null Talisman | 126 | End |
Bot: |
25cm.Chiuahuaa | 20 | 4/1 | 205/40 | 17089 | The Butterfly, Linken's Sphere, Power Treads, Ring of Basilius, Magic Stick, Magic Wand | 129 | End |
Scourge: |
Top: | | 13 | 2/9 | 17/5 | 3558 | Magic Wand, Boots of Speed, Sentry Wards, Observer Wards, Observer Wards, Sentry Wards | 87 | End |
FEARZ.BentzeR | 15 | 2/5 | 102/3 | 8843 | Vanguard, Kelen's Dagger, Power Treads, Ogre Axe, Magic Wand, Quelling Blade | 101 | 30:07 |
Mid: |
FEARZ.Wall | 15 | 4/7 | 93/14 | 7283 | Vanguard, Power Treads, Urn of Shadows, Empty Bottle, Bracer, Ring of Basilius | 102 | 30:22 |
FEARZ.RMx | 8 | 0/10 | 19/6 | 2765 | Boots of Speed, Observer Wards, Flying Courier, Observer Wards, Sentry Wards, Observer Wards | 92 | 30:03 |
Bot: |
FEARZ.bnzajajaj | 14 | 7/4 | 60/8 | 6395 | Kelen's Dagger, Power Treads, Magic Wand, Null Talisman, Dust of Appearance, Dust of Appearance | 106 | 30:00 |