Name | Level | Cost | Items | APM | Left |
Sentinel: |
theEDE | 15 | 9660 | Kelen's Dagger, Ghost Scepter, Gem of True Sight, Magic Wand, Boots of Speed, Observer Wards | 87 | End |
Top: |
Sierrar_91 | 20 | 13195 | Black King Bar, Yasha, Power Treads, Empty Bottle, Ring of Basilius, Scroll of Town Portal | 88 | End |
4Xellos | 16 | 11304 | Khadgar's Pipe of Insight, Mekansm, Power Treads, Bracer, Magic Wand, Observer Wards | 139 | 40:19 |
Mid: |
[-_-]YaphetsFAN | 22 | 23052 | The Butterfly, Monkey King Bar, Black King Bar, Kelen's Dagger, Power Treads, Empty Bottle | 106 | 40:21 |
Bot: |
[Pinoy-_^] | 14 | 9745 | Aghanim's Scepter, Phase Boots, Ring of Health, Empty Bottle, Planeswalker's Cloak, Stout Shield | 129 | 40:20 |
Scourge: |
Top: |
mColumbia.Koman | 9 | 4835 | Power Treads, Bracer, Magic Wand, Flying Courier, Observer Wards, Observer Wards | 122 | 40:14 |
mColumbia.HeLP | 12 | 6924 | Kelen's Dagger, Arcane Boots, Bracer, Bracer, Bracer, Observer Wards | 101 | 40:16 |
mColumbia.hamza | 15 | 7052 | Vanguard, Power Treads, Ogre Axe, Ring of Basilius, Planeswalker's Cloak, Scroll of Town Portal | 79 | 40:11 |
Mid: |
mColumbia.CeLa | 16 | 9269 | Kelen's Dagger, Power Treads, Ogre Axe, Empty Bottle, Poor Man's Shield, Magic Wand | 140 | End |
Bot: |
mColumbia.TCH | 16 | 8382 | Force Staff, Power Treads, Mekansm, Nathrezim Buckler, Ring of Basilius, Ring of Regeneration | 81 | 40:17 |