Name | Level | KD | CS | Cost | Items | APM | Left |
Sentinel: |
darksheep- | 17 | 1/5 | 19/1 | 10606 | Kelen's Dagger, Mithril Hammer, Power Treads, Ogre Axe, Flying Courier, Magic Stick | 118 | End |
Hai_lua-_- | 19 | 2/6 | 108/5 | 14274 | Vanguard, Ultimate Orb, Hood of Defiance, Power Treads, Soul Ring, Scroll of Town Portal | 102 | End |
Top: |
Mid: |
PoWeR.NeT | 25 | 19/4 | 308/22 | 29271 | The Butterfly, Monkey King Bar, Manta Style, Black King Bar, Kelen's Dagger, Power Treads | 150 | End |
mikeyjaiwhite | 15 | 1/6 | 14/0 | 8571 | Power Treads, Vitality Booster, Gem of True Sight, Observer Wards, Observer Wards, Sentry Wards | 56 | End |
Bot: |
^1437 | 20 | 10/5 | 157/33 | 16839 | Guinsoo's Scythe of Vyse, Mekansm, Phase Boots, Point Booster, Ring of Basilius, Magic Stick | 134 | End |
Scourge: |
Top: |
Smiske | 14 | 2/5 | 24/6 | 6414 | Power Treads, Vitality Booster, Flying Courier, Stout Shield, Observer Wards, Magic Stick | 131 | 47:37 |
wicked.Fire | 21 | 5/6 | 279/14 | 18498 | Radiance, Vanguard, Hyperstone, Hood of Defiance, Assault Cuirass, Phase Boots | 117 | 47:51 |
Mid: |
BabyKnight13 | 19 | 10/6 | 180/14 | 16078 | The Butterfly, Yasha, Mithril Hammer, Power Treads, Empty Bottle, Wraith Band | 127 | End |
THEneNo- | 17 | 5/6 | 61/1 | 9422 | Force Staff, Kelen's Dagger, Null Talisman, Boots of Speed, Observer Wards, Magic Stick | 90 | End |
Bot: |
MIIOMIIO|Ducky | 15 | 3/11 | 100/6 | 8597 | Aghanim's Scepter, Power Treads, Urn of Shadows, Observer Wards, Scroll of Town Portal, Scroll of Town Portal | 123 | 47:33 |